
Botox Microinfusion

Botox microinfusion uses a special microneedling device made from tiny, 24-karat gold needles. The micro-needles create small wounds on the skin’s surface to deliver micro-Botox (dilute Botox) and serums like hyaluronic acid, vitamin C, and peptides deep in the dermal layer of the skin. Botox shrinks the pores to smooth fine lines and improves skin texture while combatting oily skin that causes acne.

The small punctures created by the microneedles trigger the body’s natural healing process and stimulate your own natural collagen production. New collagen growth improves mild skin laxity caused by skin aging and plumps the skin for a more youthful appearance.

Your Botox Microinfusion Treatment

A Botox microinfusion is not typically considered painful and does not require numbing cream, although we can offer it if desired. During your treatment, the microinfusion device will be passed over your skin, simultaneously creating small punctures or microchannels while delivering the diluted Botox and serums. You may feel a minor tingling sensation while you receive your microinfusion.

Who Can Benefit from a Botox Microinfusion?

Men and women in overall good health who want a subtle transformation in their appearance can benefit from Botox microinfusion. If you hope to treat deeper wrinkles and fine lines, we may recommend Botox injections or dermal fillers instead of a Botox microinfusion. Those with concerns related to even skin tone, skin texture, acne scars, facial folds, and skin recessions can benefit from a Botox facial. Patients with an allergy to botulinum toxin should not receive this treatment and we may recommend you wait if you have an active skin infection. Patients wishing to add volume to facial areas may benefit more from dermal filler therapies with hyaluronic acid gel and other skin-enhancing ingredients.


Results and Recovery

There is minimal downtime required after a Botox microinfusion, although you should avoid sun exposure and exfoliating skin products for a couple of weeks. Your skin may feel tight and look red immediately after treatment, but these side effects will quickly improve. Most patients will see a smoother skin complexion, improved skin texture, and less oil production within five days after treatment. These results and your overall skin health can be maintained with additional procedures every 1-3 months.

Request an Appointment

If you want to smooth fine lines and shrink enlarged pores to enhance your skin glow, request an appointment today for a Botox microinfusion facial at MedSkinEssentials. We will help you determine whether you are a candidate and which treatment you can benefit from the most.